
ClimbeyMotion is a totally-optional way of moving about the Minecraft world by jumping and climbing. Inspired by Climbey. 1.10+ only.

Climbeymotion requires crafting and equipping certain items.


Requires wearing the Jump Boots, which can be crafted with leather boots and a slime block.


  • Only works on the ground in Free Move mode and with Realistic Jumping turned on.
  • Activated via the Climbey Jump steamvr input action. Default is holding both grips. (In legacy OpenVR versions, the boots override the behavior of the Jump button
  • Raise arms, hold button(s), swing arms down and release button, try not to kill yourself.
  • Fall damage has not been removed or changed at all. Be careful.
  • The controllers will rumble while winding up to jump.
  • Leaping potions multiply the speed. Be super careful.


Requires wearing the Climb Claws in one hand or the other. These can be crafted with 2 shears and 2 spider eyes. It is recommended to place them in the offhand slot so accidentally switching the active hotbar slot does not send you plummeting to your death.


  • Works in free move mode or teleport mode with ‘simulate falling’ turned on.
  • Activated by placing your hand in a block and clicking the Climbey Grab action. This defaults to the grip or trigger on either controller.(In legacy OpenVR versions the claws override the Attack and Move Forward buttons.)
  • To pull yourself up: hold the top edge of the highest block and pull yourself at least halfway up, you will pop up the rest of the way.
  • The interactive hotbar is disabled while climbing.
  • Do not open the inventory or game menu while climbing, you will fall.
  • Run-in-place locomotion is recommended for the authentic roomscale experience


  • Requires wearing the Climb Claws and the Jump Boots!
  • While holding onto a wall, activate the Climbey Jump action. You do not need to hold it down.
  • The controller holding the wall will vibrate indicating you are in wall-jump mode.
  • Swing and release with that controller and you will be launched in that general direction.
  • Has less power than 2-handed jumps from the ground.
  • To cancel wall-jump mode, grab the wall with the other controller.


  • For LAN-hosting, no configuration is needed and climbing is always enabled.
  • For Spigot dedicated servers:
  • For Forge dedicated servers:

The items can be given directly with the following commands:
/minecraft:give minecraft:shears 1 0 {Unbreakable:1,display:{Name:"Climb Claws"}, HideFlags:4}
/minecraft:give minecraft:leather_boots 1 0 {Unbreakable:1,display:{Name:"Jump Boots"}, HideFlags:4}

  • You can configure which blocks can or cannot be climbed in the config. See the config file for exact details. The idea is you can either whitelist certain blocks for climb courses, or blacklist certain blocks to allow climbing everywhere and still make some un-climbable obstacles.